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Grow, Rise & Thrive in 2021!

Grow, Rise & Thrive

It’s your year to grow and rise so that you can lead yourself, your teams and your families to not…

The 5 Financial Surprises of Divorce

Let's talk about the financial impact of divorce on women. CAP STRAT's Barbara Best and Nancy Rizzuto explain the five…

Building Resilience in a Time of Uncertainty

Building Resilience in a Time of Uncertainty

Learn how you can build resilience during a time of uncertainty and stress, and how you’ll benefit. The COVID-19 pandemic,…

Aligning Your Life with Your Purpose: Women Leaders Making A Difference

Featuring South Florida women who have aligned their lives with their purpose, who are inspired to be part of something…

Strides and Strategies to Make Our Voices Count

Strides and Strategies to Make Our Voices Count

See how we gain influence and make our voices heard to create the changes we desire at home, work, and…

Unlock Innovation & Remove Roadblocks

Unlock Innovation & Remove Roadblocks

A simple, stress-free Life Hack to uncover your potential blind spots and roadblocks. We live in a world where answers…

Curating a Personal Board of Directors (PBOD)

Curating a Personal Board of Directors (PBOD)

Curating a PBOD is a strategic and intentional process that takes time but is worth the effort both personally and…

The Art and Brain Science of Negotiation

The Art and Brain Science of Negotiation

Do you ever finish a negotiation process and wish you had handled aspects of it differently? Or had better control…

Negotiating Executive Compensation

Negotiating Executive Compensation

Negotiating for yourself can be difficult. Too often women underestimate their value and don’t develop an effective game plan when…

Keys to Landing a Paid Board Position

Keys to Landing a Paid Board Position

Learn from experts what skills, attributes, and experiences organizations and recruiters are looking for in their future board members. 

Structure a Virtual Presentation

Structuring a Successful Virtual Event

Learn strategies on how to strengthen your virtual presence, and tech tips on making more dynamic and engaging presentations.

The Power of Intention Setting CAP STRAT Womens Forum

The Power of Intention Setting

Learn how to create and to stay grounded in our intentions. With the COVID-19 pandemic, we’ve had to re-adjust (or…

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