Grow, Rise & Thrive in 2021!

Grow, Rise & Thrive

It’s your year to grow and rise so that you can lead yourself, your teams and your families to not merely survive but thrive.

THRIVE: to grow vigorously…and become more successful, healthy, and happy not despite our new circumstances but because of them. While many around the world are focused on how we will merely survive and manage our challenges and stress heading into a new year this program is designed to help you adopt strategies, habits, and a mindset that will help you to thrive.

This 60-minute workshop incorporates the latest in scientific research from the fields of positive psychology, behavioral science, and yogic sciences.

This recap includes:

  1. A PDF of Melinda’s key takeaways including three principles, strategies, and habits to help you THRIVE.

Download Presentation

2. The Grow, Rise & Thrive handout that was referenced during the program with key questions to ask yourself.

Download The Grow, Rise & Thrive Worksheet

Please let us know if you would like to have a conversation with us. Email the CAP STRAT Women’s Forum with any questions at! Or call us at 630.320.5100.

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