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 Category:  Financial Empowerment

Networking To Grow Your Net Worth

Power networker, speaker, and author Porter Gale wrote the book, "Your Network is Your Net Worth." She explains that your…

Stop Money Silence

CAP STRAT's Barbara Best and Nancy Rizzuto talk about Money Silence and why it's so important to push past any…

Living With Purpose, Leaving a Legacy

Living With Purpose, Leaving a Legacy

“If you’re going to live, leave a legacy. Make a mark on the world that can’t be erased.  Maya Angelou  We…

Financial Basics – What We Need to Get Right Today

Taking action is empowering, builds confidence, and propels us to own our power as the boss of our money. It…

Understanding and Avoiding the Wage Gap

We've all heard of the wage gap. Most recently reported that women make $0.82 for every dollar that a man…

Fundamentals of Investing

You don't have to be an expert to invest.

Creating Financial Resilience

Creating Financial Resilience

Identify financial vulnerabilities, cultivate a positive money mentality and implement practices and systems today so you can enjoy true financial…

3 Ways To Practice Financial Self Care

CAP STRAT Women's Forum Founders Barbara and Nancy talk about financial well-being and why it’s an essential component of self-care…

Financially Empowered

CAP STRAT Women's Forum Founders talk about money mindset and financial empowerment - What does financial empowerment mean to you?

The 5 Financial Surprises of Divorce

Let's talk about the financial impact of divorce on women. CAP STRAT's Barbara Best and Nancy Rizzuto explain the five…

The Art and Brain Science of Negotiation

The Art and Brain Science of Negotiation

Do you ever finish a negotiation process and wish you had handled aspects of it differently? Or had better control…

Negotiating Executive Compensation

Negotiating Executive Compensation

Negotiating for yourself can be difficult. Too often women underestimate their value and don’t develop an effective game plan when…

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