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Ask Like an Auctioneer

Our CAP STRAT Women’s Forum program ASK LIKE AN AUCTIONEER was led by the dynamic Dia Bondi who outlined a…

Financial Freedom

Enjoying Financial Freedom: The Power to Pursue What’s Next

One of the important steps we take during our career is to save and invest for the future so that…


Innovations & Trends in Philanthropy | Opportunities to Amplify Your Impact

K Sujata, Kay Koehler, and Julie Hoffmann led an enlightening conversation that offered several reminders as we continue our philanthropic…

Caitlyn Saladrigas Recharge

The Recharge | The Mindset to Embrace When Chasing Excellence

Meet Caitlin Saladrigas, a talented and dynamic litigation partner at Holland & Knight, whose practice focuses on the holistic representation…

Jeanie Coomber Recharge

The Recharge | On Using Intellect and Intuition In the Same Sentence

  After 25 years as an expert in executive performance, relationship building, and team empowerment, Jeanie Coomber realized she was…

Julie Hoffmann Recharge

The Recharge | Unleashing Your Inner Good

Understanding the need for service, knowing the needs of your community, and having a social impact are lessons Julie Hoffmann…


Processing Loss, Managing Your Mindset & Moving Forward

Whether it’s death, divorce, becoming an empty nester, or voluntary or involuntary loss of a job, this program equips listeners…

Shani Harmon Recharge

The Recharge | Transformational Meetings & Why Leaning Into Setbacks Is A MUST!

Humble, funny, and wicked smart – That describes Shani Harmon, CEO and founder of Stop Meeting Like This. Shani grew…

Jody LaVoie Recharge

The Recharge | How She Turned Tragedy into Triumph

Her husband was shot at work by a disgruntled employee. Overnight, she was left running a business and solo parenting…

Beth McCormack Recharge

The Recharge | Shifting the Approach to Family Law

Compassionate and empathetic are not words one would typically use to describe a Family Law Attorney, but Beth McCormack is…

Michele Weldon Recharge

The Recharge | Why the Truth is Worth the Risk

At the tender age of 10, she started writing and selling a monthly newsletter for her neighborhood. At 13, she…


How Nutrition Impacts Your Well-being and Longevity

We’re grateful to our speaker Dr. Shivani Gupta for helping us better understand our nutritional needs and how they evolve…

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