The Power of Intention Setting CAP STRAT Womens Forum

The Power of Intention Setting

Learn how to create and to stay grounded in our intentions. With the COVID-19 pandemic, we’ve had to re-adjust (or even scrap) many of our goals. However, we can still create and stay grounded in our intentions.

Intentions are essential to building the energy and resilience we need to get through this extraordinary time. And if you’d like to read more about the power of intentions, we’re including a link to a recent article here – Secret Weapon for More Calm Amidst the Crisis: Setting Intentions.

During our last Women’s Forum Virtual Meetup, executive and leadership coach, Lisa Guillot, offered insights and strategies into setting intentions. We are grateful to Lisa for sharing ways to help us be more intentional in our work and personal life. Please enjoy the recorded segment.

Where your intention goes your energy flows.

Lisa shared her top 6 questions to ask yourself to set clear daily intentions and stay in high-level energy.

6 Questions to Set Your Daily Intentions: 

  1. What’s the one thing I can get excited about today? 
  2. What’s one word I could use to describe who I want to be today?
  3. What is one situation that might stress me out or trip me up today?
  4. And how would my higher-self deal with that?  
  5. What do I need to do to recharge today?
  6. What do I need to stop doing?  

About Our Speaker

Lisa Guillot is a certified mindset coach, brand strategist, and founder of Be Bright Lisa. Lisa coaches and supports high-impact people. Her clients are super clear on what their life purpose is and how to create more life fulfillment, thriving careers, and businesses. Lisa also speaks about creative leadership and purpose; and she is a columnist for the American Marketing Association and co-founder of the creative community Forth Chicago.

Connect with her on LinkedIn here or visit

Please let us know if you would like to have a conversation with us. Email the CAP STRAT Women’s Forum with any questions at! Or call us at 630.320.5100.

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