Win at Ocean

Positive Thoughts. Positive Life.

We have the power to create physical and mental wellbeing and a long, fulfilling life.  That’s why it’s essential we pay attention to the tapes we play internally and how we speak to ourselves.

We are delighted to share the recap from October’s CAP STRAT Women’s Forum Florida event, Positive Thoughts. Positive Life.  It was a pleasure to see you and we hope you enjoyed yourself, had a chance to meet other dynamic women and had a meaningful experience.

CAP STRAT Women's Forum Get Empowered Blog Positive

Our thanks to Sarah Gentry, LMHC for sharing her own experiences and her expertise on how we can successfully monitor what we’re thinking, understand what’s getting in our way and appreciate what our truth is. And thanks to Lisa Johnson and everyone at Girl Scouts of Southeast Florida for supporting the success of girls in our community who are changing our world! Most importantly, thanks to all of you – because of your donations we raised over $1600 to support them.


What Are We Thinking?

47% of our thoughts are “mind wandering” about things that have happened in the past, will or may happen in the future. When your mind wanders, use a visual cue like a STOP sign to catch yourself. Literally stop to observe how you feel and refocus on the present, what you can control, and what really matters.

How Did We Learn? 

Many of these thoughts are linked to influencers (family, friends, colleagues, religions) and beliefs that we have had in the past. Surround yourself with people and communities who will reinforce the values and beliefs that you embrace today and recite affirmations that motivate your mind to act in alignment with your words.

CAP STRAT Women's Forum Get Empowered Blog Positive

What Gets in Our Way?

Lack of self-esteem can get in the way of our true self because as women, we frequently define ourselves based on the roles we play (someone’s mother, sister, daughter, wife, friend, colleague) rather than on the strengths we embody (as men do). When you sense a negative thought pattern about yourself or something you are facing, reframe your thoughts by considering a different perspective such as what can I learn from this, what could be some potential outcomes, how will others be affected, how can I overcome this?

What is Your Truth?

Adopt daily affirmations that begin with I Am…capable, intelligent, impactful, fierce, determined, influential and that represent the woman you are today.  We grow and evolve so let go of old messages/thoughts/behaviors that no longer embody who you are or serve your true goodness. Affirm each day what is real and true about who you are.

What Will You Commit To?

What one action will you take each day to shift your mindset and turn wishful thinking into reality?  And just like we feel badly when we let others down – don’t let yourself down! That is worse, isn’t it? You are so worthy of your wishes.  Schedule time to practice some self-care time every day to develop consistency. Meet up with a girlfriend, do something unexpected for someone else, meditate, read a poem, light a candle, head to bed early or wake up early and start it with 3 gratitudes and/or set your intention for the day.  Creating a consistent practice of self-care will help you stay in a place of grace, self-acceptance, and love.

CAP STRAT Women's Forum Get Empowered Blog PositiveRESOURCES

Books.  The Confidence Code: The Science and Art of Self-Assurance…What Women Should Know by Katty Kay and Claire Shipman  and  Broken Open, Elizabeth Lesser

Ted Talks.  Listening to Shame   Brené Brown  & The Happiness Advantage  Shawn Achor

Podcasts.  Magic Lessons  Elizabeth Gilbert & Meaningful Conversations Maria Shriver

Apps: Shine Easy to follow self-care programs, meditations, and perspectives and Think Up. Develop a positive mindset, build healthy habits and overcome challenges.

Please let us know if you would like to have a conversation with us. Email the CAP STRAT Women’s Forum with any questions at! Or call us at 630.320.5100.

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