Dia Bondi Recharge

The Recharge | How To Ask Like An Auctioneer!

She’s curious and always asking herself “What’s the next weird thing I can learn?” Auctioneering class was the answer! (Along with 100 other cowboy auctioneer trainees.)

After two decades of coaching CEOs, high-performing business professionals, and innovators to elevate their impact and authentic leadership, she decided to take a sabbatical and knock off one of her “bucket list” items.

Dia Bondi is the Founder of Dia Bondi Communications, the author of “Ask Like An Auctioneer” and the host of the podcast Lead With Who You Are. Her strong drive, earthquake enthusiasm, and pedal-to-the-medal energy have helped people shift their perspective and achieve more as a result.

She applied her newly acquired skill to fundraising for women-led nonprofits and nonprofits that benefit women and girls. She had an epiphany, realizing that auctioneering skills can and should be applied to the process of asking for more. She totally flip-flopped the process of “the ask”, and she began using that approach to accelerate women in careers and businesses.

Combining her communications expertise with her impact hobby of fundraising, Dia Bondi has created Ask Like An Auctioneer (Join us November 8th for this workshop. Register at this link.) With a goal to help one million women, this transformative program empowers attendees to both ask for more AND get it using the mental model, tools, and insights of auctioneering.


Please let us know if you would like to have a conversation with us. Email the CAP STRAT Women’s Forum with any questions at womensforum@capstratig.com! Or call us at 630.320.5100.

Barbara Best

Barbara Best, AIF® is a Founder and Principal of CAP STRAT, and Founder of the CAP STRAT Women's Forum


Nancy is a Principal and founding partner of CAP STRAT, and Founder of the CAP STRAT Women's Forum

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